I forgot/don't know my password for logging in here!
This website uses your normal University credentials (the same username/password you log onto UAOnline with).  If you need that password reset, please go to http://me.uaa.alaska.edu

How long does it take money to show up on my Whalecard after I deposit it here?

   The money should show up on your Whalecard within one minute, depending on network conditions.

What accounts can I deposit money to?
   Although you should be able to see all of your Whalecard accounts, you can only deposit to Whalebucks.

How can I see my recent transactions?
   From the main screen, if you click on the Account Name to the left, you will see the recent transactions for just that account.  If you click on "Account Transactions" at the top of the screen, you can select any or ALL accounts, along with a date range.

What if my account or balance doesn't show up here?
   Please call the Student Accounts office at 796-6267 and we will fix the problem.

I had Bear Bucks on my Polar Express card from UAF.  Can I use that money at UAS?
   Not automatically.  If you've moved to UAS permanently, please contact the Student Accounts Office at 796-6267 and we can transfer the money to Whalebucks for you.

What happens to the money on my card at the end of the semester?
   Dining Dollars are reset at the end of the semester, so be sure to use them!
   Whalebucks stay on your card account.  If you graduate or leave the university, they are removed after 18 months of card inactivity, so be sure to use them!